Wednesday 27 May 2020

My Real Blackjack Life 8 | AP Back Off

Video Disclaimer:

This video is for entertainment.

It is an honest depiction on my life as a professional gambler. I have spent years training and do not recommend anyone attempt anything you see here without proper training and bankroll. Never gamble more than you can afford to lose. A professional certainly never would.

While I do slip lessons in here, no one can learn to beat the casinos simply by watching the videos I post to the public. The lessons are meant for people who are already AP gamblers or to minimize loses for recreational players

Everything I do is completely legal and takes place in legal brick and mortar casinos.

Spoiler Alert!

If you have been watching this series and want to be surprised do not read any further until after you watch.

I knew it was coming but I’m still not happy about it. Yep! You guessed it! I got the back off. Not much of a spoiler when it’s in the subtitle but you still don’t know the details.

His exact words were, “We have reason to believe you are card counting.” I was thinking and… Card counting is not illegal. All that means is I am using information that all players have access to more intelligently than the average player, Anyone can do it. It would be like saying, you can’t play chess with us because you looked too closely at the board and remembered how I moved my pieces last time.

Of course I didn’t say all that. I said, “Is there another way to play Blackjack?”

What I am worried about now is my welcome at the other casino in town and even the ones within an hour drive, Many casinos will “flyer” advantage players. That means they will let other casinos know that there is a player who can beat the game legally in town. That has happened to me before. There are several casinos in this area with good penetration and decent rules. More importantly for me right now is that most also have $5 tables,

If you have not been watching this series, here is a brief recap;

I have been a professional gambler for over a decade. 2019 started out great. I started with a gross profit of over $10,000 in January 2019.

I knew this could not last. Despite that knowledge, I spent way too much money this year. Vacations, new furniture, dining out at expensive restaurants, living life.

Now I am trying to rebuild the bankroll. Follow me on this journey. I don’t know how it will end but the idea of going back to a “real” job seems unthinkable to me.

This is an unfiltered view of my life as a professional blackjack player. You will see the wins and the loses. I hold nothing back. Most episodes will feature real casino play. Unlike reality TV series this is my real life. I don’t have script writers, a director or producer. I don’t even have a camera man.

Twitter: @DarkStarVegas
Discord: DarkStar



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