Friday 29 May 2020

Manchester United’s Marcos Rojo Breaks Quarantine For Poker

29 May

As the lockdowns, quarantines, shelter in places, and social isolations drag on and this endless game of the outside is lava becomes the new norm, not everyone is playing by the rules. While other’s miss paycheques and deal with the daily inconvenience of living in solitary confinement to save lives, other’s are meeting up for a few rounds of poker.

The latest celebrity to be caught red-handed at a hand of cards is Marcos Rojo, the Estudiantes LP defender on loan from Manchester United. He and his cronies were caught on camera crammed around a card table at friend’s house.

Rojo is smoking in the video, something we can probably assume as a professional athlete he didn’t make a habit of before the pandemic. Given the data on how smokers fare with COVID-19, let’s hope he’s just making good use of Argentina’s 420 friendly laws.

Live poker is not a pandemic friendly game with all those chips and cards being passed from hand to grubby hand by a bunch of people sat elbow to elbow around a casino or kitchen table. Football, by comparison, looks like a responsible past time. So its especially galling when you see footballers change lanes like this and give poker players a bad name.

Argentina went hard early with its lockdown and so has managed to stave off the kind of runaway deaths that nations like the US and UK have seen, a fact that is far more vital in a nation whose healthcare system is stretched. Argentina has been operating under austerity policies imposed by the IMF in return for a loan following their economic crash in 2002.

People who are flouting the lockdown put the nations limited healthcare resources at risk. Hardly worth it for a couple of hands of poker and a puff with friends.

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