, the online poker site hosting the upcoming WSOP online bracelet series, mysteriously banned the chat feature recently. And the company is won’t explain why or for how long players will be prohibited from chatting.

You can’t insult bad players on anymore. (Image:
Many poker players on social media reported the chat’s disappearance over the weekend. But the poker site is keeping things tight-lipped on this issue, at least for now.
CardsChat News reached out to via live chat and were told by a customer service representative simply, “it was a managerial decision.” When we asked how long player chat would be banned we were then told, “they haven’t told us yet.”
Other players have contacted customer service for answers. That includes Ben Abrahams (“chaipoker” on, who said, “not having chat is really frustrating.” Abrahams logs 8-10 hours of play on the poker site on a daily basis and occasionally likes to communicate with other players in the games he plays. He, along with every other player on the site, won’t be able to do that for the time being. isn’t providing details on why the chat was eliminated. Nor will they announce when the chat will be back up. But it’s likely poker Twitter will be up in arms during the online bracelet series if player chat isn’t reinstated. And that begs the question: Was the chat feature removed due to concerns with the upcoming major poker event?
We can’t answer that question as the poker site won’t provide those details at this time. Some players on social media suggested the chat was banned to help prevent collusion during the online bracelet series, or to ensure players aren’t verbally attacking others during the series. will host 31 gold bracelet events during the month of July, beginning on the 1st. But if the chat feature remains unavailable, you won’t be able to call your opponents donkeys or cuss them out for chasing a runner-runner flush.
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