Monday 24 February 2020

Updated Odds for All Super Tuesday Primaries Have Sanders Favored in 13 of 14 States

Bernie Sanders at a town hall.

Bernie Sanders is currently favored in every state for Super Tuesday. Photo by Gage Skidmore (Wikimedia).

  • Super Tuesday is on Tuesday, March 3rd, 2020
  • Bernie Sanders is currently favored in almost every state set to vote on Super Tuesday
  • Is there any value betting on other candidates?

The race to be the 2020 Democratic nominee is heating up. Super Tuesday (March 3rd) is right around the corner and many people feel that the race could be over after that. The Democratic nomination odds show Bernie Sanders as a sizable favorite.

With betting lines updated after Sanders’ win in Nevada, let’s examine where the betting value lies two weeks out.

2020 Super Tuesday Primary Odds

State at BetOnline Sanders Biden Bloomberg Buttigieg Warren Klobuchar
Alabama +215 -170 +800 +10000 +5000 +10000
Arkansas +100 +170 +550 +3000 +5000 +5000
California -1600 +3000 +2000 +10000 +10000 +10000
Colorado -1600 +5000 +3000 +3000 +3000 +10000
Maine -1200 +10000 +3000 +3000 +3000 +10000
Massachusetts -250 +3000 +5000 +5000 +270 +10000
Minnesota -150 +5000 +5000 +10000 +5000 +140
North Carolina -240 +270 +900 +10000 +10000 +10000
Oklahoma -230 +700 +350 +3000 +10000 +10000
Tennessee -145 +700 +350 +3000 +10000 +10000
Texas -500 +500 +650 +10000 +10000 +10000
Utah -1400 +10000 +3000 +1800 +5000 +10000
Vermont -10000 +10000 +10000 +10000 +10000 +10000
Virginia -185 +300 +750 +1800 +5000 +10000

Odds updated Feb. 24th

Sanders A Lock For California

Bernie Sanders is currently -1600 in California and I have a tough time seeing anyone top him in the liberal state. The latest poll shows that Sanders is going to get a quarter of the vote there; nobody else is close. Joe Biden is at about 17%, Mike Bloomberg is at around 13%, and Elizabeth Warren is at 10%.

A lot can happen between now and Super Tuesday but Sanders isn’t losing California. It’s one of the most liberal states and its population generally embraces a lot of his views. They’re also not interested in what are viewed as “corporate liberals”, for the most part, so Biden and Bloomberg probably won’t rise. He’s obviously a huge chalk but Sanders isn’t losing California.

Value With Bloomberg In Virginia?

Let’s face it: things can’t really get much worse for Bloomberg right now. He had a disastrous debate in Nevada and a lot of his social media work is backfiring. At the same time, the latest polls from Virginia show that the voters there are undecided. Only one in four voters are firm on their decision, according to the latest Monmouth poll.

Furthermore, the latest poll showed that Bloomberg, Sanders, and Biden are in a tie for first. Granted, that was before the Nevada debate, but Virginia tends to be moderate. They might not be so hot for Sanders – especially after his startling comments about Fidel Castro in a “60 Minutes” interview.

If Bloomberg shows any pulse in the South Carolina debate and his campaign actually spends some time hammering Sanders instead of Donald Trump, he should be able to gain some ground. While I do see Sanders as the favorite in Virginia, I don’t think the odds should be this tilted. Bloomberg has value at +750.

Bet Klobuchar In Minnesota

One thing that’s become clear is that nobody is bowing out before Super Tuesday. That’s because many people in the Democratic establishment are nervous about the prospect of Sanders becoming the nominee and almost everyone in the field still feel like they have a shot.

For example, Biden, Bloomberg, Klobuchar and Buttigieg all combined into one and tallied the moderate votes, they’d probably be ahead of Sanders. However, if Warren bows out, that might mean Sanders gets a big boost from her progressive backers too.

At any rate, with the candidates all hanging around in the race through Super Tuesday, Klobuchar looks like a decent bet in Minnesota. To start, it’s her home state and she’s very popular there. Secondly, the latest polls that we have show her up by about six points.

While it’s true that she’s going to fade before Super Tuesday (she’s expected to get smoked in South Carolina), I’d be willing to take a flier on her at +140 to carry her home state.

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