Sunday 23 February 2020

Busy people vs productive people

We start each poker week with a Monday Morning Motivator and today we look at avoiding the trap of being ‘busy’ for something much more useful

We don’t believe that watching a motivational video will suddenly make you a great poker player, consistent good habits and a commitment to learning will. However, it is undeniable that a short term boost of inspiration can start a positive snowball effect. 

Every Monday morning at SpinLegends we share a ‘Monday Motivation’ video to get our players in the right frame of mind. Whether it’s poker, chess, sport, business or study, the lessons are always universal, so we want to get you pumped in the same way. 

It can be addictive ticking off a lot of small items on your to do list, but are you actually getting anything done? There is a difference between being busy and being productive and while one might feel good, the other will get you results. Being productive is all about eliminating needless tasks and zoning in on what is really important. 

This relates to your poker in lots of ways but particularly your study. It is very easy and tempting to try and do everything in poker – watch every poker video, buy every piece of software, look at every hand discussion – but if you are doing everything, are you retaining all of it? The ‘productive’ way to study would be to focus on a very specific area of study, ideally your biggest leaks, and work obsessively on that. So instead of watching three videos and reading two articles on a range of subjects, focus entirely on studying playing 3-bet pots out of position (or whatever your own leak is). It feels like you are doing less, but you are actually doing more. 

How do you get pumped to play poker? Share your most inspirational videos in the comments:

More Monday Motivation

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