Monday 19 October 2020

Online Poker Pro Folds The Nut Straight

An online poker pro had an embarrassing moment during one of his latest Twitch streams as he turned the nut straight and check-folded to a single bet.

Kevin Martin was streaming a $31.5 buy-in tournament on GGPoker last Friday and held 8Spade Suit7Spade Suit on a flop of 6Club Suit5Spade Suit2Club Suit. He was in the small blind and check-called a bet from his opponent under the gun and the 9Diamond Suit came on the turn.

“[That’s] not exactly the card I was looking looking for,” said Martin on stream as he checked again. “[I’ll] probably just have to fold.”

At first, one might think he was trolling the chat. But he hit the fold button after he was faced with another bet and tossed his hand away. You can see the clip in the tweet below.

In a follow-up tweet, Martin said that if it wasn’t for being mocked by the viewers after the delay caught up, he would have never realized that he folded the best possible hand.

“I really have no idea how I missed turning the stone nuts,” tweeted Martin. “This is the most embarrassing play possible.”

Martin recently signed a contract with GGPoker to become a sponsored player and streamer for the site. He was recently signed by both PokerStars and partypoker in the past before temporarily retiring from streaming in September 2019.

It’s a mistake that is made by even the game’s best. Just a little more than a year ago at the 2019 World Series of Poker, Phil Ivey folded a 7-low during a seven-card stud hi-lo hand at the final table of the $50,000 Poker Players Championship in a spot where it was impossible for his opponent to have made a low.

En route to the final table of the 2009 WSOP main event, Ivey also infamously mucked a winning flush at showdown.

Photo Credit: Twitter @KevinRobMartin




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