Friday 31 January 2020

These Are the 25 Weirdest Props You Can Bet for Super Bowl 54

Donovan McNabb and Andy Reid

Donovan McNabb and Andy Reid are both involved in some of the weirdest Super Bowl 54 prop bets. Photo from @Barstool (Twitter)

  • Super Bowl 54 is scheduled for Sunday, February 2 at 6:30pm ET
  • Each year, sportsbooks release hundreds of Super Bowl props
  • We’ve pulled the 25 weirdest ones we’ve seen for Super Bowl 54

On Sunday, February 2nd at 6:30pm ET, all Super Bowl props are officially live! Oh, and the San Francisco 49ers and Kansas City Chiefs will also both be trying to win the game being played.

But that’s become secondary to so many bettors with the thousands of prop bets that open up at sportsbooks. You can bet anything from who will catch the first pass of the game to how many TikToks Patrick Mahomes’ brother will post on Sunday. (You’ll see more on the latter in a bit.)

And for the first time since 2016, sportsbooks have not been forced to put out the same old “hoodie props”, and it’s clear the creative juices are flowing. I’ve compiled the 25 weirdest Super Bowl 54 props I could find at all online sportsbooks.

When one of these offends you, please keep in mind that I’m just the messenger boy.

25) Will OJ Simpson Attend the Game?

When we were stuck with the Patriots each year, it was common to see props on whether Mark Wahlberg or Ben Affleck would attend the game, but this year we get to bet on Juice attending.

Prop and Odds

Prop at MyBookie Yes Odds No Odds
Will OJ Simpson Attend the Game? +750 -1500

What makes this weird is that OJ only spent two seasons as a 49er – the last two seasons of his career. He’s known as a Bill, and one other thing as well …

There are so many other former Niners that would make a lot more sense here.

24) Post-Game Proposal?

Weird and lame!

Prop and Odds

Prop at Bovada Yes Odds No Odds
Will Any Player Propose to His Girlfriend on the Field After the Game? +500 -900

Why not just enjoy the victory? Don’t make your future partner share the memory of being proposed to with your Super Bowl victory – and you sure as hell know she’s not saying yes to a loser. Also, what if a player proposes to his boyfriend? It’s 2020, people!

23) Len Dawson Smoking

The image of Len Dawson smoking a cigarette at halftime of Super Bowl 1 has been shared all over social media over the last two weeks. But now you can bet on whether Fox will share it during their broadcast.

Prop and Odds

Prop at BetOnline Yes Odds No Odds
Will Broadcast Show a Clip/Picture of Len Dawson Smoking a Cigarette at Halftime? +250 -400

First of all, could you imagine a quarterback doing this today?!

“Will someone please think of the children?!” Unfortunately, Fox probably is thinking of the kids here, and don’t want to give off a bad image. I doubt the world will get to see this hilarious picture during the game.

22) Will Dave Portnoy Get Kicked Out of the Super Bowl?

Last year, Barstool President Dave Portnoy was kicked out of Super Bowl 53. And you can bet on it happening again this year.

Prop and Odds

Prop at Bovada Yes Odds No Odds
Will Dave Portnoy Get Kicked Out of the Super Bowl? +800 -2500

Based off his Twitter feed, it appears Portnoy is down in Miami, but he hasn’t eased up on his feud with NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. So I can’t see him even being allowed in the game.

21) Will an Animal Appear on the Field?

This is one I have never seen before.

Prop and Odds

Prop at MyBookie Yes Odds No Odds
Will an Animal Appear on the Field (No Birds)? +550 -1000

This has to be a result of the black cat from MetLife Stadium who ran on the field during a Cowboys vs Giants Monday Night Football game, ultimately cursing the Giants season – yeah, that’s why they sucked.

20) Will Andy Reid Coach the Super Bowl in a Hawaiian Shirt?

Say what you will about Andy Reid’s postseason struggles, but the guy is pretty great.

Prop and Odds

Prop at Bovada Yes Odds No Odds
Will Andy Reid Coach the Super Bowl in a Hawaiian Shirt? +1400 -10000

As a football fan, I’m really hoping we get treated to a much better game than last year. But if I have to go through another ugly game, I’d at least appreciate seeing Andy Reid in a Hawaiian shirt on the sideline.

19) Mahomes’ Girlfriend’s Instagram Posts

Whether you like or dislike Patrick Mahomes’ girlfriend’s (Brittany Matthews) activity on Instagram, I bet none of you expected you’d be able to bet on it this Sunday.

Prop at Bovada Over Odds Under Odds
How Many Public Instagram Posts Will Patrick Mahomes’ Girlfriend Post on February 2nd? Over 4.5 (-120) Under 4.5 (-120)

Sportsbooks have clarified that stories will not count towards this. With that knowledge, the under looks like the play here. She only posted twice during the AFC Championship.

18) How Many TikToks Will Mahomes’ Brother Make?

Continuing with props that have absolutely nothing to do with the game, we have Jackson Mahomes’ activity on TikTok.

Prop and Odds

Prop at Bovada Over Odds Under Odds
How Many TikToks Will Patrick Mahomes’ Brother Make on February 2nd? Over 5.5 (-120) Under 5.5 (-120)

Admittedly not being anywhere near cool enough for TikTok leaves me with very little knowledge of the social media channel. The only thing I do know is that Patrick isn’t a fan.

17) Andy Reid Called “Big Red”?

What’s so funny about this prop is that Andy Reid doesn’t just know he’s a hefty fella, he embraces it.

Prop and Odds

Prop at BetOnline Yes Odds No Odds
Will Broadcast Refer to Andy Reid as “Big Red”? +300 -500

The question here is whether Fox will also embrace it. I personally hope it’s innocent enough to slip by.

16) Darrelle Revis Tweet About Sherman During Game

Everyone loves a good celeb feud on Twitter. But people don’t yet know how much they love betting on a celeb feud on Twitter.

Prop at BetOnline Yes Odds No Odds
Will Darrelle Revis Tweet About Richard Sherman During Game? +150 -200

Why waste time watching the game when you can just watch Darrelle Revis’ account?

15) Lopez and Shakira Weird Props

I’ve bundled two into one here, because they’re so similar – will J-Lo and Shakira ___.

J-Lo and Shakira to Twerk?

Prop at Bovada Yes Odds No Odds
Will Shakira and Jennifer Lopez Twerk During Halftime Show? +160 -230

This one is especially funny to me because it comes with the fine print, “Bookmaker’s decision is final”. This just means they have someone who will declare whether they twerked or not. And I can’t stop thinking about how locked in the person responsible for grading this prop is going to be during the show.

I really hope they bring in an expert for this one.

And the second one …

Shakira and J-Lo Kiss?

Prop at BetOnline Yes Odds No Odds
Will Shakira and Jennifer Lopez Kiss? +1000 -2500

With two females headlining the show, you just had to know this one was coming. Fortunately, the books won’t need an expert to grade this one. I’m sure the pervs around the world will be able to handle it.

14) Butt Cleavage

I’m capable of putting two and two together here, but I had no idea butt cleavage was an actual thing. I certainly didn’t expect to be able to bet on it at Super Bowl 54.

Prop and Odds

Prop at BetOnline Yes Odds No Odds
Will Jennifer Lopez Show Butt Cleavage? +500 -1000

I have to ask an expert about this one:

  1. Is “plumber’s butt” considered butt cleavage? is it the only kind?
  2. Or does it count if we see the bottom of her cheeks because she’s wearing shorts?
  3. If the answer to no. 2 is “yes”, is bottom butt cheek enough?
  4. If the answer to no. 2 is “yes”, but the answer to no. 3 is “no”, is it because we need to see the inside part of her cheeks to count?
  5. And if the answer to no. 2 is “yes”, but the answer to no. 3 is “no”, does she actually have to push her butt cheeks together to form the cleavage and have this bet graded as “yes”?

13) Mountain Dew “Here’s Johnny”

This prop was so weird to me because I had no idea why it was a prop.

Prop and Odds

Prop at BetOnline Yes Odds No Odds
Will a Mountain Dew Commercial Say “Here’s Johnny”? +200 -300

Now it’s so weird to me because Bryan Cranston recreated the two creepy little girls from The Shining.

12) Rose and Summer Back for More

Julia Rose and Lauren Summer drew a lot of attention to themselves during the 2019 World Series when they lifted their shirts while sitting directly behind home plate. Sportsbooks are allowing you to bet on an encore at the Super Bowl.

Prop and Odds

Prop at MyBookie Yes Odds No Odds
Will Julia Rose or Lauren Summer Be Shown Flashing? +2000 -5000

And if you’re uncertain about Rose or Summer pulling it off, you can also just bet on any boobs.

Random Breasts

Prop at BetOnline Yes Odds No Odds
Will Breasts Be Shown? +1000 -2500

The second one might be one of my all-time favorite Super Bowl props. The simplicity here is just hilarious.

But don’t get too excited. The odds of either of these happening are so long for a reason. First, Julia Rose and Lauren Summer were banned by the MLB after this, and it’s likely the NFL has their eye on them too – yes, that was intended to be a double entendre.

Even if the two were to make it into the Super Bowl, or anyone else had plans to get their boobs on television, the television view of a football game is just much, much different than a baseball game. No fans are directly in the audience’s view throughout the game.

For this to happen, it would have to come after a touchdown, where the player would have to take their celebration over to the stands.

11) Mr Peanut’s Monocle

Betting on commercials is pretty common during the Super Bowl, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a commercial prop so specific.

Prop and Odds

Prop at BetOnline Yes Odds No Odds
Will Mr. Peanut’s Monocle Come Off Eye in Planters Commercial? -130 -110

Sadly, it was announced that Mr Peanut had died shortly after this prop became available.

But to be clear, it looks like the monocle stayed on.

10) Bomb Threat

Listen, I’m highlighting this as an extremely weird prop, but please, please do not get any ideas here.

Prop and Odds

Prop at MyBookie Yes Odds No Odds
Will a Bomb Threat Be Called in the Day of Super Bowl? +1000 -2500

What you do on Super Bowl Sunday is your own business. But if it affects my happiness on Super Bowl Sunday, we’re going to have a problem. So this game better not get delayed because of some jackass calling in a bomb threat.

And for those still thinking, “MaYbe I’ll bEt thIs ProP anD cALl iN tHe tHreAt MysElF,” STOP! There is no chance a sportsbook is going to pay you out after you’ve been charged for calling in (what better be) a fake bomb threat. And if you’re thinking you’ll get a friend to place the bet for you, pump the brakes. They will find the connection between you two and both will be banned.

Please just enjoy the oddness of this prop with me.

9) “Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself” Sign to Be Shown

MyBookie has a tendency to go pretty dark with their props. They’re the book that allows you to bet on death matchups, as well – which person will die first.

Prop and Odds

Prop at MyBookie Yes Odds No Odds
Will a “Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself” Sign Be Shown During Super Bowl Broadcast? +300 -500

They didn’t go that far with this one, but it’s still one of the weirdest I’ve seen this year.

8) McNabb Throwing Up

All football fans can recall the image of Donovan McNabb throwing up while leaning in to take a snap, but it has also been said that McNabb puked in the fourth quarter of Super Bowl 39. And since it was Andy Reid who was the coach of those Eagles in the Super Bowl, you can now bet on us all being reminded of it.

Prop and Odds

Prop at BetOnline Yes Odds No Odds
Will Broadcast Show Highlights of Donovan McNabb Throwing Up? +800 -2500

My favorite part about this one is how the sportsbook used the term “highlights”.

7) Will Andy Reid Eat a Cheeseburger Before the End of Super Bowl Broadcast?

Here we go with the fat guy stuff again …

Prop and Odds

Prop at Bovada Yes Odds No Odds
Will Andy Reid Eat a Cheeseburger Before the End of Super Bowl Broadcast? +1200 -7500

If the Super Bowl 54 broadcast closes out with Andy Reid in a Hawaiian shirt, eating a big dirty cheeseburger, my night would be complete.

6) Chains to Be Brought in to Measure

This one is so funny to me because I can’t stop chuckling over someone getting excited over the chain gang taking the field.

Prop and Odds

Prop at BetOnline Over Odds Under Odds
How Many Times Will the Chains Be Brought on to Field to Measure? Over 1.5 (+135) Under 1.5 (-175)

“They’re bringing out the chains for a measurement, and the crowd is going absolutely wild!” There would be so many betting bros going nuts on the second measurement.

5) Tackling a Fan

We saw this one last year as well, but it still remains in my top five weirdest props for the year.

Prop and Odds

If a Fan Runs on the Field, Who Will Tackle it First? Odds at BetOnline
Security +125
Player +175
Team Staff Member +250
Another Fan +750

Now, remember what I said earlier about not being an idiot and trying to cash in on your own bomb threat? That doesn’t apply here.

If you want to try and run on the field and get your friend to follow you, and then tackle you for these +750 odds, you go right ahead.

But again, good luck getting paid out.

4) Number of Women to Claim Sleeping with Jimmy Garoppolo During Super Bowl Week?

This is such a hilariously weird prop!

Prop and Odds

Prop at MyBookie Over Odds Under Odds
How Many Women Will Claim to Sleeping with Jimmy Garoppolo During Super Bowl Week? Over 1 (-120) Under 1 (-120)

I’m again left with some questions: does the woman have to claim that she actually slept with Jimmy G in the last week? Or can she have slept with him last year and just release the claim during Super Bowl week?

3) Any Players Be Arrested in Miami After the Game?

Most will be able to tuck themselves into bed Sunday night knowing the outcome of all their Super Bowl prop bets. But some might have to stay up and watch the news.

Prop and Odds

Prop at BetOnline Yes Odds No Odds
Will Any Players Be Arrested in Miami After the Game? +750 -2000

Can you imagine cracking open another beer at 2am, anxiously awaiting on an arrest to be made for vandalism or something stupid like that?

2) Will Any Player Solicit a Prostitute During Super Bowl Week?

This one is especially funny to me because the sportsbook has deemed the odds of a player soliciting a prostitute are just slightly better than them getting arrested.

Prop and Odds

Prop at MyBookie Yes Odds No Odds
Will Any Player Solicit a Prostitute During Super Bowl Week? +700 -1500

You’re also betting on them getting caught here, too.

1) Will Any Player Finish with Exactly 69 Yards?

Why? Just because.

Prop and Odds

Prop at MyBookie Yes Odds No Odds
Will Any Player Finish with Exactly 69 Yards? +690 -1290

Don’t think we didn’t notice those +690 odds.

And just for the record, there are three receivers in this game (Tyreek Hill, Travis Kelce, and George Kittle) whose average yards per game is within eight yards of 69.

If you want to play the more traditional props this Super Bowl, you can find all our coverage below.

Our Super Bowl 54 Props Coverage:

This article may contain links to external sports betting services. SBD may receive advertising revenue from these links, however editorial has hand-picked each individual link based on relevance to the article, without influence on the coverage.

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