Sunday 1 March 2020 » Blog Archive » Priti Vacant? Who will be next out of the cabinet

This market from Ladbrokes is an interesting one. Priti Patel who previously was a ‘winner’ in this market when in 2017 she had to resign in disgrace when she deludedly thought she was Foreign Secretary is the favourite in this market, at 1/1 evens I’m not remotely interested at those odds.

For me the interesting one is the DEFRA Secretary George Eustice at 12/1 who has had a sub-optimal few days as the following thread by Jim Pickard shows, and it isn’t much good for Boris Johnson.

Farmers are revolting over being actively misled by the likes of Boris Johnson and George Eustice, with the latter being booed by farmers last. Whilst the ever growing list of people Boris Johnson has actively misled during the whole Brexit process hasn’t been harmful to Boris Johnson so far I get the feeling his consigliere Dominic Cummings will dismiss anyone who is becoming a problem for him and the Prime Minister. Ousting a Chancellor of the Exchequer a few weeks before a budget is confirmation of that.

The headline on the front page of the yesterday’s Mail on Sunday does not bode well for the farmers, the farmers will be even more vocal.

But at 12/1 I’ll stick a small amount on Eustice being next out, if the farmers get more vocal it could become messy for him. Mr Eustice might be one of the few people glad that the Covid-19 virus is dominating the news agenda for the foreseeable future.


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