Thursday 31 December 2020

Help keep PB going and make it ad-free –

At the end of April we made an appeal to PBers for support because advertising revenue had almost all dried up because of the pandemic. Response from users was really much more than we thought and it has given us the resources to keep going. It has also given me the confidence to try to make the site in the future not dependent on display advertising revenue.

I think it makes for a cleaner and much better site and people know that when they come on here now they not going to be swamped with advertisements.

I have been very impressed how one of my favourite US sites, PoliticalWire, has managed to get of rid of advertising completely by offering a premium service for a regular annual fee.

Rather than take that approach our plan, based on the successful appeal earlier in the year, is to ask for donations which is what we doing with this post.

The site has gone through an extraordinary period during the pandemic with more comments than ever before. Now it is not unusual for threads to carry on for more than 1,000 comments.

So please could you support this appeal which if successful it will enable us to carry on and to be ad free.

Many thanks

Mike Smithson

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