Sunday 30 August 2020

Trygve Leite Wins 2020 World Series of Poker Online $300 NLH Double Stack Event

The 75th event of the 2020 World Series of Poker Online is officially in the books. The $300 buy-in ‘Double Stack’ no-limit hold’em event attracted a field of 3,552 total entries to create a final prize pool of $991,008. The lion’s share of that money was ultimately awarded to eventual champion Trygve Leite. The Norwegian player earned $130,100 and his first WSOP gold bracelet for the win. This was the largest recorded tournament payday on Leite’s resume, surpassing the $20,200 he earned as the 690th-place finisher in last year’s WSOP main event.

Connor DrinanThe final table began with Italy’s Emanuele Monari in the chip lead, with Leite and Anjali Agrawal sitting on the next-largest stacks. High stakes tournament regular Connor Drinan was the first to be eliminated at the final table. He ran pocket fives into the pocket aces of Leite preflop and failed to improve. Drinan took home $9,473 for his 19th cash of the WSOPO festival.

David Mitchell was the next to fall. He got the last of his stack in racing with the ADiamond Suit10Spade Suit against the 8Spade Suit8Diamond Suit of Eliyahu Elyshiv. An eight on the flop gave Elyshiv a set, which held through the river to send Mitchell packing in eighth place ($13,290).

Just moments later Jiahuan He was eliminated when his pocket threes failed to overcome the pocket fives of Leite in a preflop showdown. He earned $18,643 as the seventh-place finisher while Leite extended his lead on the field. That advantage grew even larger when Leite knocked out Paul Lozano in sixth place. Lozano shoved with KSpade SuitJDiamond Suit from the small blind and Leite called from the big blind with ADiamond Suit10Club Suit. Leite’s ace high was still good after the board was dealt and Lozano hit the rail with $26,153.

Gregory Ronaldson’s run in this event came to an end when he got all-in with ASpade Suit5Spade Suit against the AClub Suit7Club Suit of Monari. Both players made a pair of aces, and Monari’s superior kicker played in the end to earn him the pot. Ronaldson was awarded $36,689 for his fifth-place showing.

Eliyahu Elyshiv got the last of his stack in with KHeart Suit10Spade Suit against the AHeart Suit7Heart Suit of Monari. Elyshiv picked up a flush draw by the turn, but a blank on the river saw him eliminated in fourth place ($51,470).

Anjali Agrawal shoved his last 17 big blinds with JHeart Suit8Spade Suit. Leite called with ASpade SuitKClub Suit. The board came down KDiamond Suit9Diamond Suit9Club Suit4Club Suit5Heart Suit and Agrawal’s was sent home with $72,204 as the third-place finisher.

With that Leite took roughly a 2:1 chip lead into heads-up play with Emanuele Monari. The two battled it out for roughly an hour before a winner was decided. In the final hand Monari limped in for 1,600,000 from the button with QClub Suit8Club Suit and Leite raised to 6,400,000 from the big blind with 10Heart Suit9Diamond Suit. The flop came down QHeart Suit6Heart Suit5Spade Suit and Leite continuation bet 4,356,000. Monari called and the JClub Suit on the turn gave Leite an open-ended straight draw. He bet 16,434,000 and Monari called with his top pair. The 8Diamond Suit on the river gave Leite the queen-high straight while also improving Monari to two pair. Leite checked to Monari, who shoved for 44,617,657. Leite called with his nut straight to secure the pot and the title. Monari was awarded $101,292 as the runner-up finisher.

Here is a look at the payouts awarded at the final table:

Place Name Earnings
1 Trygve Leite $130,100
2 Emanuele Monari $101,292
3 Anjali Agrawal $72,204
4 Eliyahu Elyshiv $51,470
5 Gregory Ronaldson $36,689
6 Paul Lozano $26,154
7 Jiahuan He $18,643
8 David Mitchell $13,290
9 Connor Drinan $9,473




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