Friday 28 August 2020 » Blog Archive » Kamala Harris looks set have a bigger role in this White House campaign than previous VP picks

She’s the Democrat making big set piece attacks on Trump’s big night

One of the undoubted weaknesses of the Democrats as we go into the next phase of the White House Race is the age of Joe Biden and that he can often appear to be old. If he won he’d be 78 on Inauguration Day.

His apparent frailty has already become a major attack line for the Republicans who don’t just want to retain the White House in November but keep control of the Senate and many other elected positions as well.

Generally in White House campaigns the VP choice features big at the time of his/her selection and in the VP TV debate but is hardly seen at other times. So it has been interesting to note the extended role that Harris appears to be having in this contest.

Overnight she made a big speech timed to coincide with the final session of the Republican Convention which attracted a lot of coverage. She’s a former prosecutor and can make a powerful case very well. She’s also, I’d suggest, the most telegenic contender on either ticket and will be liked by the broadcasters. She makes good television.

Meanwhile in the betting the Trump recovery continues and on the Betfair exchange overnight he has edged to a 47% chance just 5% behind Biden.

Mike Smithson

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