Thursday 26 March 2020

GGMasters increases guarantee to $500,000

We recap some stories you may have missed including classic EPT live streams from history and Galfond has his opponent on the ropes.

GGMasters increases guarantee, again

The GGNetwork seems to love overlays, they finally hit their $300,000 guarantee for the first time two weeks ago, and immediately increased it to $400,000. 

They hit that guarantee on Sunday, so what they do? You know what they did. 

Yes, during a period of growth for online poker in general they are pushing things as far as they can. They have now increased the guarantee to $500,000 for just a $150 buy-in and no re-entries. 

EPT Classic – streamed live

A great idea for those of you stuck at home courtesy of James Hartigan, Joe Stapelton and Spraggy. They are commentating on the early seasons of the European Poker Tour, back when poker was a little bit softer to say the least. 

They are every day at 13:00 GMT live on Twitch and every day they will be hosting a $1,000 freeroll. 

So if you want to see how poker was played back in the day, with a little 2020 snark, this is the stream for you.

Galfond has him on the ropes

It seems like a very long time ago that Phil Galfond was on the verge of quitting the Galfond Challenge and mulling over his options during a break he felt compelled to take. 

Since then Galfond managed to reduce his €900k in losses to €318,895 after winning 10 out of 12 sessions and now the tables have turned. It is his opponent ‘VeniVidi1993’ who has requested a short break so he can regroup. 

Ever the Gentleman, Galfond was quick to point out this match is far from over and how his opponent is deserving of respect. 

Heads-up for Rolls (again)

It isn’t the first ‘playing poker for toilet paper’ meme and it won’t be the last, so just buckle up and enjoy it.

High Stakes Poker During Quarantine from r/poker

Are you watching the EPT streams? Let us know in the comments:

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